Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First Semester Unload

These are all of my works from the first semester of my college schooling. I'm really pleased with most of'em, and can see some decent improvement over time. I'll post them in chronological order so you can get a better sense of that.
We first started with perspective, which was good. I got a good grip on it fast, but could probably use more practice. (I'll get around to that once it gets warm out. No way am I sitting outside in the cold just to draw buildings.)Yeah, the lines are kind of curvered.. But all in all its not bad. I think each one's about 2.5 hours each. (I know, a long while for some simple lines, right?)

Then we did some other practices involving tonal mark-making, (No lines, and in this case sideways), and some negative space work. It turns out its really hard to make a negative space drawing turn out decent since it becomes quite hard to proportion stuff. But it was still fun. Skeletons always look cool.

We ended up doing some still-lifes as well, which are kinda fun, but only for so long. I really like the way the deer turned out. Even though he looks like a chihuahua-giraffe. 4.5 hours on both I think. More like 6 on the piggy bank now that I think of it..

One of my favorite things to draw turns out to be trees, which are extremely fun. The large lonely one was an in-class, while the other was a homework assignment I didn't really put enough time into.

Lastly come my figure drawings I did for a few special sessions the school hosted in the evenings. I couldn't make all of them due to work, but they were enjoyable while I went. I really enjoy figure drawing, and am really glad my Drawing Class this sem. is being taught primarily as one.


P-Bro said...

You've got some great drawings here, as a recent college grad i know the feelings of long hours of drawing classes. But theyre so helpful, im mostly a sculptor but i will always remember my drawing classes. If i could give you two suggestions, i would say to continue posting your artwork here or somewhere else and write down your thoughts while doing them that way you can always reflect on and secondly a good way to practice, provided its warm outside, sit at a street corner and draw the cars at stop lights. I did this my second year of college and it really challenged me to draw faster and with more emotion. I wont lie its really hard at first but its also a really good lesson. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Dad and I are very proud of you. We enjoy seeing all of your work and how you are improving with each drawing. We hope that you enjoy your 2nd semester at college.

Love you, Michelle and Dad